97,00 zł
92,38 zł

Dynamics of an agriculture landscape, ed. by Lech Ryszkowski, Norman R. French and Andrzej Kędziora

Dostępność: brak towaru
18,00 zł
Cena netto: 17,14 zł
East Africa a travel survival kit, Geoff Crowther

Lonely Planet. First edition 1987.
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East African Crops, J. D. Acland

An introduction to the production of field and plantation crops in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
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Eastern Forests, John Kircher - Gordon Morrison

A field guide to birds, mammals, trees, flowers, and more
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Echoes from a Mountain School, Seikyo Muchaku

translated by Genevieve Caulfield and Michiko Kimura
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4,00 zł
Cena netto: 3,81 zł
Ecological dynamics of tropical inland waters

Jack F Talling and Jacques Lemoalle
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Economy of Kazakhstan at Century Junction

Economy and Life, Sagandyk Satubaldin
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18,00 zł
Cena netto: 17,14 zł
Emerging Japan, Barry Williams

Modern times
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38,00 zł
Cena netto: 36,19 zł
Fire, Death and Philosophy. A History of Ancient Indian Thinking, Joanna Jurewicz

Dostępność: brak towaru
75,00 zł
Cena netto: 71,43 zł
From Byzantine Mosaics to Medieval Paintings. Fifteen years of Polish-Lebanese cooperation in archaeology and conservation 1996–2011

Broszura, wydana we współpracy z Ambasadą RP w Bejrucie, zawiera barwnie ilustrowane opisy prac polskich archeologów i konserwatorów na terenie Libanu.
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