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Here & There Across The Ancient Near East
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Here and There across the Ancient Near East. Studies in Honour of
Krystyna Łyczkowska, O. Drewnowska (ed.) Warszawa 2009; XXII+281
p., ISBN 978-83-87111-45-8
Foreword V
Tabula Gratulatoria VII
of Krystyna Łyczkowska XI
List of
Abbreviations XVI
Piotr Bieliński
Some Cylinder Seal
Impressions on Pottery from Tell Arbid 1
Jan Braun
Pelasgian and
Thracian Personal Names in Tyrsenian Language 9
Albertyna Dembska
Lamentation 13
Olga Drewnowska
Figurines and Statues
in the Cult of Nanāja 23
Krystyna Gawlikowska
Birds on Sasanian Glass 31
Michał Gawlikowski
Crossing to Kaneš 44
Magdalena Kapełuś
Amelia Hertz as Assyriologist 53
Zdzisław Kapera
Rebellion in Cyprus in 116/117 AD and Mesopotamia 69
Paweł Kociszewski
The Rod and the Ring.
A Few Reflections about Creating Reality 85
Rafał Koliński
On Organization of
the Old Assyrian Long Distance Trade 97
Edward Lipiński
Šuwala 115
Dorota Ławecka
Motifs in Early Dynastic Mesopotamian Glyptics 121
Piotr Michałowski
during the Ur III Period 149
A. Miglus
Zwei Nergal-Tempel.
Zwischen babylonischer und assyrischer Tradition 157
Stefan Nowicki
Acquiring of the
Ritual Purity by Mechanical and Magical Means in the Ancient Near Eastern
Rituals 171
Ein unbekanntes
Textbruchstück zu CTH 627? 189
Andrzej Reiche and Małgorzata Sandowicz
Seal from the Potocki Collection at the National Museum in Warsaw 195
Einige Bemerkungen zu
den Annalen Hattusilis I. und den Zehnjahr-Annalen Mursilis II. 221
Marek Stępień
Why Some Kings Become
Gods. The Deification of Narām-Sîn, the Ruler of the World 233
Aleksandra Szymkuć and Dorota Wanacka
Two Sumerian Bricks
from a Private Collection 257
Piotr Taracha
Why Hattušili chose
the Storm-god of Nerik and Šauška of Šamuha 261
Stefan Zawadzki
The Archive of the
Rabâ-ša-Ninurta Family from Babylon.
Business and Family Relations as Revealed by BM 55482 271
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